
Episode 104: How to rebalance your portfolio

Asset allocation allows investors to select funds across assets. Rebalancing a portfolio is changing asset allocation to generate high returns.

Rebalancing portfolio and asset allocation are crucial for providing stability to a portfolio as well as to earn substantial profits. Therefore, investors must ensure they select the right assets and rebalance their portfolio periodically (as required) in case of a change in their financial objective or risk appetite.

But, many investors might have a few questions, such as-
• How to choose the assets?
• How to rebalance the portfolio?
• When to rebalance the portfolio?
• What are rebalancing portfolio tax implications?

If you want answers to such questions, then watch this episode.
In this episode of InvestorsHangout, our expert will explain asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing and discuss a few portfolio rebalancing strategies.

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