Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Limited

To check an all-time best return rate for equity funds, check how they've performed in the last 3 or 5 years.

Check your investment performance

Use this tool by entering any amount you would have invested to calculate how much it would be worth today.

Minimum Amount is Rs 500
Select the type of Fund
Select the Fund name
Select Lumpsum or frequency of SIP
Select the date invested

Your Investment Summary

  • Investment AmountRs 5000
  • Initial units per month 29.5
  • Current valueRs 50,000
  • Current NAV value 260
  • Current Units 30
  • XIRR

    Internal rate of return or annualized yield for a schedule of cash flows occurring at irregular intervals.

  • Benchmark XIRR

    Internal Rate of return or annualized yield for a schedule of cash flows occurring at irregular intervals for respective benchmark index.


Trailing Return

Funds are bucketed on various parameters.
*Annualized returns are displayed for 1 year and above.
Annual return for 2017 will be added shortly.

Annualized Returns