Episode 120: Your SIP strategy now
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on the market, and it has caused many investors to question if they should keep investing in their SIPs. Many investors prefer a SIP because it can enable them to earn significant SIP returns. But is it right to stop SIP investments? What should investors do with their SIPs? What should be their mutual fund SIP strategy?
If you have such questions, then join us in this episode of InvestorsHangout. Our expert will explain the SIP strategy that investors should look at during this situation.
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Episode 101: Investment planning for young parents
Life takes a dramatic turn when you find out you’re going to become a parent. While it is an exhilarating moment, it is also a phase when you must create a financial plan. Financial planning is important at every stage of life. However, it becomes more crucial in case of young parents.
Financial planning for young parents is necessary in order to ensure the family’s wellbeing. Hence, young parents should make sure they don’t derail their financial plan.
In this InvestorsHangout episode, our experts will discuss the importance of a financial plan, what are the investment options for the young parents, and how they can plan their investments and savings.
Financial Planning
This Module helps you Understand Financial Planning advantages and basics and helps ascertain your Risk Appetite.
Episode 141: Your investment strategy after the debt fund fiasco
What is your investment strategy for debt funds after the fiasco? Join us in the next webinar of Investors' Hangout where we will delve into this and show the way ahead to investors getting their money back.
इक्विटी म्यूचुअल फंड
यह मॉड्यूल आपको उपलब्ध अलग-अलग प्रकार के इक्विटी म्यूचुअल फंड स्कीमों और उनके संचालन के बारे में और अधिक समझने में मदद करेगा।