Episode 151: Which Index fund is the best?
Whether to go with an index fund, an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), or a Fund of Fund (FOF)? Do you have similar questions? Tune into this episode of Investor’s Hangout Episode for all the answers and much more.
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Episode 240: Should you dump your large-cap funds?
The dream rally of small and mid-cap funds lures investors. But is it true that large caps cannot generate alpha? Watch the next Investors' Hangout to understand.
Types of Mutual Funds Part 2
This module will help you learn about more Mutual Fund schemes available to you, and how they operate.
Episode 55: 2017: Dream year?
2017 has been a dream year for equity investors. The markets are set to make them richer by a quarter by the year-end. There haven't been many years when the Sensex went up as linearly as it did in 2017. Mutual funds did well too, but not all of them in relation to their benchmarks. So, should you be worried?
An Overview of Mutual Funds
This module will help you understand how Mutual Funds Work so that you can gain the most from Mutual Fund offerings.