Episode 151: Which Index fund is the best?
Whether to go with an index fund, an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), or a Fund of Fund (FOF)? Do you have similar questions? Tune into this episode of Investor’s Hangout Episode for all the answers and much more.
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Episode 77: 5 financial sins to conquer this Dussehra
The festival of Vijay Dashami, or Dussehra, symbolises the victory of good over evil. The burning of Ravana’s effigy signifies the ultimate consequence of improper conduct and elders in the family often cite it to reinforce moral values among children. This Dussehra, how about exorcising the financial demons of your life? How about taking a pledge to get rid of the poor financial habits that damage your long-term wealth? We will set the ball rolling by telling you about the 5 common financial sins one is prone to commit, and how to overcome them.
An Overview of Mutual Funds
This module will help you understand how Mutual Funds Work so that you can gain the most from Mutual Fund offerings.
Episode 75: Big mistakes investors must avoid
"You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong." This famous quote from Warren Buffett is the epitome of investing success. Therefore, an investor should focus much more on avoiding the big errors than on doing something exceptional. In our next Hangout, we'll discuss the biggest and the most common mistakes that keep investors from achieving their financial goals. We will also tell you how to avoid those mistakes
Hybrid Funds
This module will help you learn more about types of Hybrid Fund schemes, which invest in both, debt and equity.