Episode 176 : All about nominations in mutual funds
SEBI has recently tweaked the regulations regarding the nominee for mutual fund investments. Want to understand the new regulations? We'll discuss it in this episode and also tell you how to ensure a smooth transfer of your financial assets in the case of an unfortunate event. Stay tuned!
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Episode 286: How to sharpen your portfolio post-budget?
Struggling with too many funds in your portfolio? Watch #InvestorsHangout for strategies to cut down your funds while maximizing returns! #IEDD
म्युचुअल फंड के लाभ और उसकी सीमाएं
इस मॉड्यूल से आपको म्युचुअल फंड में इन्वेस्टमेंट्स करने के लाभ और जोखिम दोनों को समझने में मदद मिलेगी।
Episode 106: Should you invest or pay off your home loan?
The golden rule of financial planning is to pay off all debt before you invest. This makes perfect sense as debt can loom large and wreak all kinds of havoc on your finances. But what about home loans? Is there any merit in investing your surplus even while you service your EMIs? Home buyers often find themselves at a crossroads on this matter.
Join us in our Hangout session as we guide you on when it makes sense to prepay your home loan and when it doesn’t. We will also discuss the new regulations regarding interest rates on home loans.
म्युचुअल फंड के प्रकार भाग 2
यह मॉड्यूल आपको उपलब्ध म्युचुअल फंड स्कीमों और उनके संचालन के बारे में और अधिक समझने में मदद करेगा।