Aditya Birla Capital
Episode 64: Growth or dividend?


Episode 64: Growth or dividend?

Is the growth option of mutual funds better or the dividend one? And how about dividend reinvestment? These questions are often a source of dilemma for mutual fund investors. On top of these, the new taxation rules announced in this year's budget have only added to the confusion.

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Episode 114: How to choose a fund for your short-term goals

In order to meet short term goals, a person needs to look at different investment instruments. This is because not every investment option might be good for meeting short-term goals.
In such a case, an investor might have questions like- How to invest? What are the good short duration funds? How to choose mutual funds for short term goals?
If you want to know how to choose a fund for your short-term goals, then this episode is for you.
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ill shed light on how to create a plan for short-term goals and how to select the right short-term investment options.


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Episode 83: Should you invest in international funds?

you shop on Amazon, search the internet with Google, drive a Honda car, talk on a Samsung or an Apple phone, and share your pictures on Facebook. So many of our daily activities involve companies listed abroad. And yet not many Indian investors invest in foreign stocks. It's about time you added an international dimension to your equity investments through funds that invest in overseas markets.


म्युचुअल फंड के प्रकार भाग 1

इस मॉड्यूल से आपको यह समझने में मदद मिलेगी कि कैसे म्यूचुअल फंड स्‍कीमों के विभिन्न प्रकार इन्‍वेस्‍ट करने के आपके समझदारीपूर्ण निर्णय लेने और आपके लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के अवसरों को बढ़ाने में आपकी मदद कर सकते हैं।