Episode 91: Tax-planning in the right way
The last few days of March are often stressful for investors, as they scramble to complete their tax-saving investments. Unfortunately, it's when some of the worst investment decisions are taken. Investors do manage to win the tax battle but severely damage their long-term wealth. How about adopting a different approach to tax saving than this last-minute ritual? How about planning your taxes in advance to stay worry free? Kick-start this financial year with your tax-saving investments. Join our next webinar to know more.
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Episode 55: 2017: Dream year?
2017 has been a dream year for equity investors. The markets are set to make them richer by a quarter by the year-end. There haven't been many years when the Sensex went up as linearly as it did in 2017. Mutual funds did well too, but not all of them in relation to their benchmarks. So, should you be worried?
हाइब्रिड फंड
यह मॉड्यूल आपको अलग-अलग प्रकार के हाइब्रिड फंड स्कीमों के बारे में और अधिक समझने में मदद करेगा, जो डेब्ट और इक्विटी दोनों में इन्वेस्ट करता है।
Episode 63: Investment plan for the new financial year
For many, investing is primarily guided by the goal of saving taxes. It is of little surprise then that their investment portfolio is just a random collection of tax-saving instruments bought hastily in the month of March. Sounds familiar? Watch it now!
Types of Mutual Funds Part 2
This module will help you learn about more Mutual Fund schemes available to you, and how they operate.