Podcast 12
Women and Mutual Funds-- Why MFs are a step towards your financial independence
Investment in mutual funds can be a great vehicle for women, and it is one of the best steps to become financially independent. Whether you have short-term goals like buying gold jewellery and saving for education or long-term goals such as buying a house, car or going on a much-awaited trip, mutual funds make it easy to achieve those goals.
One of the traits that women have is nurturing. Leveraging this ability, women can invest with a long-term approach in debt mutual funds. As such, there are no specific mutual fund plans for women, but they can choose to invest in equities or debt, depending on the risk profile, investment objectives and timeframe.
Investing in the mutual fund for financial independence can be a significant step for all women. Listen to this episode of the Mutually Yours podcast for more info.
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