Episode 106: Should you invest or pay off your home loan?
The golden rule of financial planning is to pay off all debt before you invest. This makes perfect sense as debt can loom large and wreak all kinds of havoc on your finances. But what about home loans? Is there any merit in investing your surplus even while you service your EMIs? Home buyers often find themselves at a crossroads on this matter.
Join us in our Hangout session as we guide you on when it makes sense to prepay your home loan and when it doesn’t. We will also discuss the new regulations regarding interest rates on home loans.
Episode 161-What to do in a roller-coaster market?
Anxious because of the oscillating market? Wondering what you should do with your investments? Join us in today’s episode of #InvestorsHangout where Dhirendra Kumar - CEO of Value Research will guide you on the same.
म्युचुअल फंड के प्रकार भाग 2
यह मॉड्यूल आपको उपलब्ध म्युचुअल फंड स्कीमों और उनके संचालन के बारे में और अधिक समझने में मदद करेगा।
Episode 139: How to optimise returns with measured risk
On March 31, the news of a massive reduction in the interest rates of small-saving schemes saddened many investors. Although the decision was rolled back later, a reduction in interest rates is quite likely. Are you worried about it? Join us in the next webinar of Investors' Hangout where we will answer these questions and lay down an action plan for regular-income seekers so that they can optimise their return without taking too much risk
Hybrid Funds
This module will help you learn more about types of Hybrid Fund schemes, which invest in both, debt and equity.