What is Financial Freedom - English

Financial freedom means ensuring the financial security of you and your loved ones. It is possible when you have a goal-based plan in place that makes it easy for you to achieve your goals. If you want to work towards financial freedom, you need to start investing in mutual funds as it is beneficial in terms of the power of compounding returns. As against the traditional investment options, mutual funds offers multi-dimensional benefits. Here’s how:
• Freedom to enter and exit: As an investor, you have the flexibility to enter a scheme without any load. You can also exit anytime provided you have chosen an open-ended mutual funds investment plan.
• Freedom to choose a scheme: You can invest in either equities or fixed-income securities or a balance of both, based on your investment objectives, risk factor, and investment horizon,
• Freedom to invest lumpsum or SIP: You do not need to invest at one go. Systematic Investment Plan or SIP makes it affordable to invest in any type of mutual funds. SIP allows you to deposit a fixed sum at regular intervals and earn good returns with a long-term approach.
• Freedom to choose Dividend or Growth: Mutual funds give you the freedom to choose between dividend and growth fund. In the growth plan, all profits are reinvested, which helps to compound the wealth, while the dividend plan pays out dividends and helps to generate income.
• Freedom to switch investments: For better financial planning, you can switch from one open-ended scheme to another with the same fund house.
These are some of the ways you can achieve financial freedom if you start investing early in mutual funds.

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