Hmm, looks like you need a little help here. A portfolio is basically a collection of all your investments - stocks, bonds, commodities, cash, mutual funds, etc. A well-balanced port-folio needs diversification of assets and investments to reduce risks. So the answer is Di-versification.
Bravo! Right you are! Diversified investments help hedge risks, especially in cyclical economies like India where sectors and stocks take turns in the limelight, making it quite volatile at times. A well-diversified portfolio keeps your investments afloat and growing even in difficult times.
Ah, got you with that one, didn’t we? While investing in varied sectors is a way of reduc-ing risks, is it limited to equity. Diversification encompasses not just sectors, but different asset classes, market caps and investment products as well. So the correct answer is Diversification.
You didn’t get it this time, but it’s okay. Risk tolerance is the measure of financial risk you can afford to take based on your current monetary situation, age, income, family de-pendence, etc. To increase this risk tolerance - and thereby reduce the risks themselves - diversification of your portfolio into different investment products, market caps, and as-set classes is important.