Fund of Funds: Explore Fund of Funds from ABSLMF. Fund of Funds is a type of mutual fund whose portfolio is constituted with investments in other mutual funds.
A Fund of Fund (FoF) is an investment strategy that focuses on building a diversified portfolio by holding multiple mutual funds, rather than investing directly in individual stocks, bonds, or securities. In a fund of funds scheme, the primary emphasis is on investing in units of other mutual fund schemes.
A little key can open big doors’ – and a Fund of Fund does just this! It is a single investment gateway to access multiple mutual funds often across economies, multiple asset classes and multiple fund managers, in a simple hassle-free manner. This approach, often referred to as multi-manager investment, allows investors to spread their investments across multiple funds, offering them the opportunity to diversify risk. The underlying investments of a FOF consist of units from either the same mutual fund or other mutual fund houses.
FOFs can be particularly beneficial for smaller investors seeking access to a wide range of asset classes.