Investors with long term investment horizon
Oh no no no! The ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE Frontline Equity Fund allocates 80-100% of your funds into equity and equity-related securities which are inherently volatile in nature. Thus, it is a high risk fund that is better suited to aggressive investors.
Yes! That’s right! Since the ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE Frontline Equity Fund invests largely in equity and equity-related securities, it tends to show better returns in the long term. Hence, the fund is better suited to investors who are seeking to invest long term.
Sorry buddy. The ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE Frontline Equity Fund invests only in equity and equity-related securities which tend to give better results in the long term. Thus, it is better to stay invested for a longer duration with the ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE Frontline Fund, instead of having a short term investment horizon.
Definitely not! The ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE Frontline Equity Fund is a high risk fund that is better suited to aggressive investors rather than risk averse investors. Moreover, it invests only in equity and equity-related securities which tend to give better returns in the long term, not the short term.