Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Limited

Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Limited

5 Things to do in the New Financial Year - 2018-19

Apr 30, 2018
4 mins
5 Rating

Last minute tax saving, bank holidays and long weekend - this sequence sums up the end of financial year 2017-18. There would be definite learning’s every time we sat back and thought how we managed our money. Here is a quick list to help make FY2018-19 a better year for our investments.

    Pad your Emergency Funds and Invest

  • It is important to have an emergency fund - something we ignore to do adequately. Ensure you have easily accessible liquid money and INVEST the rest. Don't sit on money reserves whether in cash or accounts. It’s important to channel the money towards growth i.e. investment.
  • Plan Tax in the New Financial Year

  • Leaving TAX PLANNING for the last quarter can get you by, but nothing like planning tax in April. It gives you time to save tax and earn reasonable returns too. Right choices can be made rather than sub-optimal investments in last minute.
  • Choose your Systematic Investment Plan(SIP)

  • Expecting an increment? Appraisal ratings and salary increments are announced in new financial year. You should use the increment to increase the value of an existing SIP or START A NEW ONE.
  • Foreclose a Loan

  • With appraisals come bonuses which should be used for straightening out your credit situation. Foreclosing a part of home loan, car loan, and heavy credit card bills should be a priority. If you're lucky to be debt free, invest the major part of money received before blowing it up in purchases.
  • Hire a Financial Planner

  • The above are must-dos for every person to ensure a smooth year ahead. However, if you are seeking wealth creation, then it is the perfect time to think deep. You must take professional help of a planner and do goal based planning & investments. You may consult your financial advisor before investing.

Here’s to a wealthy Financial Year 2018-19!

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.